Work Description

The project will be carried out over 3 years. Our plan, over this duration, is to approach the project incrementally in order to be able to monitor its advancement at any time. We have split the project into five work packages, each of which contains 3 to 4 tasks. Following a figure that showcase the separation of work packages of the project.

SCORING Work Packages
  • WP1 (Project Management, Dissemination and Exploitation) will monitor all the organizational aspects of the collaboration. In order to assess how the project is evolving and to exchange information and know-how about their developments so far, the partners will have bi-weekly virtual meetings via video-conferencing and will meet regularly in person (twice a year). Internal communication (through dedicated collaborative tools over the Internet) as well as external communication (web and social media) will also be defined, kept alive and assessed for their efficiency within WP1. Due to the important geographic spread of the partners, a specific focus will be given to the internal communication as it is a key to ensure the team will work closely in the project; extensive use within the project of dedicated collaborative tools over the Internet will be continuously advocated and monitored to ensure efficiency.
  • WP2 (Towards an Integrated Computing and Networking Architecture for SCORING) will target building the overall architecture of the targeted “Smart Collaborative cOmputing, caching and netwoRking paradIgm for Next Generation communication infrastructures (SCORING)”. This will be constructed gradually, starting from exhaustive definition of the SCORING use cases, followed by the derivation of user and system requirements as well as key performance indicators (KPI) related to SCORING. A baseline prototype implementation of the basic SCORING paradigm building block will be achieved in this WP. All this will be made while keeping in mind the different strata and associated mechanisms to be developed in WP3 and WP4.
  • WP 3 (Smart Placement of Computing Service in SCORING) perimeter will target: (i) the proactive placement of computing services, while taking into account users mobility as well as per-computing-node battery status and computing load (@ the Computing stratum); (ii) the proactive placement of content stores while keeping in mind joint networking and computing constraints (@ the storage stratum); and (iii) enforcement of dynamic routing policies, using SDN, to satisfy the distributed end- user compute requirements and QoE (@ the networking stratum).
  • WP 4 (Optimal Information-Centric Networking and Computing - including Storage - in SCORING) perimeter will span the: (i) efficient management of micro-services in such a multi-tenant distributed realm, by exploiting the Information-Centric Networking principles to support both name and compute function resolution (@ the software stratum); (ii) optimal caching of specific contents, while keeping in mind joint networking and computing constraints (@ the storage stratum); and (iii) designing new network-economic models to support service offering in an optimal way, while considering the multi-stakeholder feature of the collaborative computing and networking paradigm proposed in this project (@ the resource management stratum).
  • WP 5 (Integration, Validation and Demonstration) will aim at demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed strata on both a realistic and integrated test-bed as well as on a consolidated simulation platform (based on available open-source network-simulation toolkits). The test-bed will be built by exploiting different virtualization (VM/Containers) technologies to deploy compute and storage functions within a genuine networking architecture.
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